Saturday, August 30, 2008


Just a bit of thick-skinned advertisement on behalf of an old friend (and by old I mean knew him for the better part of 13 years kind of old) of mine. His latest foray is into photography so I have done him the courtesy of putting up a slide show of his pictures on the page under the heading Pictures by an old friend (you can get the full sized version of the picture by clicking on it), and have also added a link to his flickr account under the Links of Note section of the blog. He's quite good for an amateur photographer and he's got some good shots (a favourite of mine is the one labelled Happy Monkey and his shots of Singapore's skyline is plain awesome). So if you miserable people are content with wasting your lives reading my blog you might as well waste a bit more of it and go view some of his pictures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Miserable!!!!! That just too much :P