Saturday, January 19, 2008

Under the sky

I'm back after a brief hiatus, but it will be a quick and short post. I've actually planned a four-part biography-esque reflection for the past 2006 and 2007 but due to my work commitments have been unable to complete it. To tell you the truth it's taking longer than i thought to complete and even longer to edit so it most likely won't be done for some time. So i've been working as a temporary admin officer at the custodians department in a Swiss investment bank called Bank Sarasin-Rabo for the past two weeks, with another two weeks more before my contract is up, well that is unless they decide to re-hire me. And although it's not much better than my previous job at an audit firm i've manage to steel myself and focus wholly on my job which of course does wonders for my performance and concentration, alas no more sleeping on the job for me. In fact they're asking me to ease-off a bit.....

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Goodbye, Hello

OK let me make this quick. I just got back from Countdown 2008 @ Ministry of Sound and boy was it smashing, cheers to a great year ahead. Goodbye 2007, it was a brilliant year filled with more Upps and Downs than usual, but all that it made it much more interesting. There will be no deep reflections now, no profound thoughts, just simple memories for now, leave everything for another time. Hello 2008, may the year ahead be better than the previous one, may more hopes and dreams be fulfilled, may more resolutions be kept, and may everyone find what they are looking for. A toast to the New Year, CHEERS!

"I'm just a simple guy, trying to get high."