Monday, July 30, 2007

Just for fun.....

The many variations of Afro Ken.


Yes you saw right. I have decided to renounce my maniacal drinking tendencies. "GASP! OH MY! HOLY FU**! etc.etc." Bet that's what a lot of you chaps thought when you saw that earth-shaking and bowel loosening news. But yes, sad as it may be for those liqour parlours which i used to frequent, i will be as mentioned before, limiting myself to just 5 glasses of alcohol per night, JUST 5. Now, some of you might, and have asked me the size of these glasses and as i have replied it will depend on how i feel that day. Now when i say "feel", i don't mean such petty emotions as happy or depressed, what i meant was whether i felt like drinking a lot or not. So, for example, i could limit myself to just 5 shot-glasses for one night, while i could drink 5 jugs on another. Now, i'm sure you would all like to know why the sudden change, well a good reason is that i'd much prefer this minor inconvenience than having to replace most of my internal organs in a couple of years time, which i have to say would most likely be rather unpleasant, and a literal pain in the arse. That and because i made a rather startling discovery that when extremely drunk i tend to become a homicidal maniac, or in simpler terms, murderously violent. As was the case when i tried to stone a cop car, smash my brother's laptop, etc.etc. So there you have it, no more wild drinking for me folks. Just 5 glasses, thats all. On another more depressing note, i am finally back "down-under". And surprise surprise, the first thought which formed in my mind as soon as i got off the plane was "Screw this, i'm taking the next flight home." And with this thought in mind, this post will come to a close.
"I'm just a simple guy, but i'm not going to get high this time."

Tuesday, July 24, 2007





Thursday, July 19, 2007

Accidentally in Love, The Past

"It's a strange post, something many would not expect me to publish, this in due to my apparent lack of humanity, well whatever it is i'll just have to ask whoever is unfortunate enough to be reading this to bear with it, because it might just give u a tiny insight to who i used to be."

This post might be a tad late (actually a few hours to be exact), but due to extrenuating circumstances i can only begin writing it now. Well, the day was Wednesday, July 18. As usual i woke up with my usual trademark line, which is simply "What a fucked up day....." (so much for waking up bright and cheery i'd say.....haven't done that in quite a while actually). To be more exact i was forced out of bed because i had to go over to my grandparent's place to look after my grandma while the maid took me grandad to the doctor's. As it is in my family such notices usually come at the very last minute, more often then not, the very last second. So you can already imagine the foul look (as bad as the time phipps puked on my hand as i tried to restrain him from causing mortal injury to himself by drunkenly flinging himself into the farkin' drain.....) on my face as i dragged my miserable arse out of bed and hurled myself into the shower. Well, it was rather routine after that (well would have been if i still spent 100% of my time in Singapore), dashed off to me grandparent's place (quite literally in fact), hung around until my cousin came to "change shifts" with me and then it was off to BL's place. Fastforward to 9pm where Naren (aka BL aka Bala aka Theven aka.....ah screw it la, bloody fella has too many damn names.....), Neeraj/Sagathi and I had dinner at some hawker centre at Toa Payoh Lorong 7 (at least i think it was lorong 7.....). That was when i saw "Her" again, and as usual i was stunned, because that was just how beautiful she was, it just stunned me, and i just sat there with my mouth open like some dumbarse. And lo an behold, she was sitting just a table away with her friends. Of course my reaction was quite something after seeing her after so long (if you feth-heads in aust. had seen it i'll bet you'll laugh yourselves wet, to the point of shittin' yourselves if i'd known better). Well you can just imagine what Naren and Neeraj were doing, Naren was laughin' his nad's off and Neeraj changed seats to get a better look at her (well it never hurt to admire beauty, i guess). And that was that, we left after dinner and headed down to Naren's block to just sit n' chat 'bout da old times. She was as beautiful as i first saw her, 3 years ago. When asked by Neeraj why didn't i go talk to her i simply replied "Catching a glimpse of her is more than enough", and besides, i didn't actually know her also. Well seeing her after so long is nothing short of a miracle, and i'm extremely thankful for it. And like what i said, "It's not everyday you get to see beauty of such an immense magnitude." Well with that the night came to an end, and i walked home beneath the star-filled sky, with an immense grin on my face, because seeing her, simply made my day. I know i sound like some simpleton but, that was just how it was, the simple sight of her made me extremely happy.

Here's some shit line i thought up on reflection to my first seeing her during confirmation camp (some church stuff ye ignorant non-believers) 3 years ago, just for laughs i'd say.
"I know i'm in confirmation camp, but i didn't expect to see an angel."

Thursday, July 12, 2007

I, Jigoku

For those wondering, 'Jigoku' means 'Hell' in Japanese, well sort of, i guess, almost 100% sure it is.....Well anyway, for those who've been wondering what I've been up to since my rather obvious and rather pleasing disappearance from your miserable lives, rest assured, I'm not exactly having a smashing time either. Well, it's marginally better than the perils down under, but still far from ideal. Work as i have explained to some before will always be work. There's no such thing as whether u enjoy it, find it interesting, find it boring, etc, etc. At the end of the day we do it for the money, because money puts food on the table (it also gets you the table in the first place mind you, but i suppose anyone with an affinity for carpentry could easily enough build one from scratch but i digress), so although i find accounting/auditing breathtakingly boring, it is the path which i have been shoved upon so there's that. Trying to turn back now would of course be bordering on the suicidal. So i shall plod along and hope that i don't slip and fall into hell by accident, it's a long shot but i'd still like to try and get through them pearly white gates among the clouds. When it's time to go of course (which is hopefully not anytime soon, but as i tend to say when devoid of any smart arse comments, "As He wills it"). Well, for all the "minor" troubles, there have been of course brief and sparse moments of the funnies. Let's recount the events of the past weeks. Went to weekly Novena with Greg and Andrew, soccer with the Upps on most sundays, a minor shopping spree before the increase in GST, and of course went to watch Transformers with BL and Neeraj/Sagathi. This is of course a brief summary of events, most recent of which was when Clarence, James, Roy and I went to, guess what, play LAN again at Bugis. And guess what i saw at the arcade there, Initial D Stage 4!! Damn was it fine, the screen was a flat screen LCD display! Awesome graphics abound! Goes to show how backward good ole' "down under" is, true to its namesake. And this is where the post ends, reviews on any new anime, movies, games or books/manga which i have encountered will be in an up-coming post, followed closely by a special National Day special (the Singapore one that is), where i shall write about what pisses me off about the country (most of which have to do with the "garmen", aka P#P, aka Men in White, aka Braindead society extraodinaire). For now i leave you with a line which i have adapted from the anime which has most recently captured my attention, Jigoku Shoujo, The Girl from Hell.
"When you die you'll fall into the pits of hell, but that's after you die of course."