Wednesday, March 19, 2008


A short one this will be. The week is week 4 of the first semester of 2008. 8 more weeks till the semester is over, which means that if i don't get my ass in gear now I'm going to be in the shitters real soon. Gotta have to chuck away all the distractions and such and start getting busy, with work that is. This Thursday marks the beginning of our extremely short Easter break which lasts till next Thursday. Over the course of which i need to get some work done, can't afford to play catch-up game with my work anymore. Morgan should be arriving in Melbourne this Sunday for his 10 day vacation. Have seriously no idea what we're gonna do once he touches down anyway, after all there isn't much to do in Melbourne in the first place. And besides it won't be the same as his trip down last year as John and Xander are no longer staying in the city which means that our activities could be restricted by the train timetables. On another note i went down to give the place where they would be moving into a look over and am seriously not the least bit impressed by it. For one the place is ancient, with furniture dating back from the 1970's. And on another note the place looks a bit seedy to me too. Not to mention the inconvenience of there being only 1 toilet for all 5 tenants to use. Oh and the place is missing a dryer. True since the place is at Richmond it's only a short hop away from the city but it doesn't make sense to move into a place which is much worse than what I'm currently living in. Not to mention more expensive. Some might think I'm very picky with this housing business but trust me you'll be too when it's your turn to look for a new place. I mean if you're going to have to pay so much you might as well try for the best deal out there right? No sense in going for the first thing you see. So there you have it another bland and bleak post has been published and still the question of my housing has yet to be answered, and i dearly hope that it'll work itself out soon.

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