Monday, August 10, 2009

Idle Musings: Oops, time difference

Really funny mistake it is, I just returned to 1939 Nazi meant Australia, Melbourne yesterday, the 9th of August (Majulah Singapura.....yeah right.....). Didn't get much sleep one the plane, barely an hour or two by my estimates and I couldn't sleep in the afternoon because I had to clean up my place and unpack. As a result I was damn tired at night and promptly went to sleep after setting my alarm. Small problem there, as bloody Australia is two hours ahead and I forgot to reset my phone and MP3 (yes my new X-FI comes with a speaker which means I've got one more alarm in my arsenal) I woke up two hours later than I wanted to which resulted in me missing my first class of the semester. And since the sudden change in climates is making me feel lethargic I decided to give my lecture in the evening a miss too and spend the whole day lazing around.

1 comment:

morg said...

Go back to school you bum.