Sunday, April 22, 2007

Prelude.....To the present

God Damn, i've got a major management assignment due in 2 weeks time, not to mention another group accounting assignment. Busy 2 weeks ahead that much is obvious, and the worst part is brendan is coming over on tuesday the 17th. A lot of drinking ahead i'll say, and as i put it "We'll drink ourselves wet!" Will be very hard to get any work done next week, got to squeeze it into my pre-planned "sober times". Here's a look at my current timetable (summarised of course) Monday, lectures and tutorials from 10:30-2:30. Tuesday, 11:30-5:30. Wednesday, 10:00-3:30. After that i'm scot-free, neat eh? Aside from this, i've got not much to say, no real matters i would like to tackle, well actually i do but i'm currently too tired to say much, its been a long week. Not that anything momentuous happend, just a couple of tests, but you don't need a reason to be tired right?Here's something i saw on a documentary today on SBS, rather interesting, about Religion vs. Science and Does God truly exists? Some famous Mathematician said this, well something like this:
"The probability of there actually being a God is 50/50, however i would say that God does exist, because if i said he did not, and at the end of my days i find out he did, the consequences would be unthinkable."

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