It's National Day in Singapore today, the 9th of August. Still remember what National Day meant to us NCC folk. Months of frakkin' drills in preparation for the parade which each respective school in Singapore is expected to hold (This is not the main glamourous one mind you, it's actually held on the 8th of August as the 9th is a public holiday). And i am proud to declare that for 4 consecutive years in a row (2002-2005, well from the time i joined and when i left at least, don't know about now though), NCC-Air St.Pat's has been the guard of honour for each and every parade, be it National Day or Founder's Day. And i am again proud to declare that i've been in each and every one of them, for what it's worth. The first time i took part in one of these was way back in 2002, when i and the rest were just buck-privates. Some of us were chosen to join the guard of honour unit because NCC-Air at that time was grossly under-manned. A real break in tradition as Part A's (sec 1's) are not supposed to be part of the guard of honour unit, but due to a shortage of manpower and as we were just as good as the older chaps we got the job. And we did it damned well. Well i'm not that much of a patriotic person but the least i could say is this. Cheers to a good future ahead for Singapore (more importantly for us).
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