Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Alas, it begins.....

Well, today was officially the start of Semester 2 for me and i have to say it looks like my incredible luck seems to be faltering yet again. Well i guess i have been over abusing it quite a bit in hyper-condensed mode here's my weekly timetable, Tuesday 12:30-18:30, Wednesday 11:00-19:00, Friday 11:00-12:30. So there you have it, classes three times a week again (not that i'm complaining, although i would have preferred if they moved the Friday tutorial to Thursday.....) and for those wondering the classes on Tuesday and Wednesday are punctuated by breaks (about one and a half hours long on both days to be exact). Subjects taken this Semester are Financial Management, Statistics and Research Methods, Computer Accounting Systems and MacroEconomics. Well the main frakking problem i have with this timetable is that classes on Tues and Wed end too farkin' late. That combined with the university's apparent disdain for adequate street lighting makes the 10+ minute trek down the hill to the train station all the more an adventure. Aside from the fact that mortal danger can be found at any wrong footing. Not to mention the extremely fethed up train system only has trains running every half an hour. Which means that i'll most probably have to get on the 19:25 train home tomorrow, unless of course by the Grace of God or through the sheer and utter incompetence of the Melbourne train system (the more likely case i must say), the 19:05 train gets delayed and i manage to get on it. So theres a basic summary of events thus far. I must add that though the Semester has just begun i'm already planning my trip home at the end of it (goes to show how much enthusiasm i have for my studies eh). And another thing, today during Stats & Research Methods lecture the lecturer asked us to come up with a sentence with the word "population" in it, write it out and hand it up. The sentence i came up with? "This is a sentence with the word "population" in it." Don't think they were really pleased with that, well i was feeling rather bored anyway.....On another note i have just realised that oh great puritus Ian has linked this site as "His Excellency The Lord High Inquisitor's Blog". Much honoured by this i must add, so in view of this i will be converting this Site of Free Speech and whatnots to an Inquisitorial site. Here's a standard Inquisitorial line i used to dish out (maybe i'll start doing it again.....)
Purge the Unrighteous. Cleanse the Unclean. Kill the Impure.

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