Friday, May 16, 2008


It never rains nor does it pour when a farkin' typhoon can blow it's way in and make a right mess of your life which will be God's own work to clean up. Which is what exactly happened to me a few weeks ago. First, my veteran four year old Zen Neeon MP3 player disappeared mysteriously while I was commuting to the city a few Saturdays ago. Sure I bitched about how old and messed-up it was but I never expected it to go this way. And along with it went my trusty Sony headphones which my Dad got for me way back in 2002. Not to mention the countless songs which I forgot to back up and will again be God's own work in finding all of them. And on to the second case, scarcely had a week passed when my much vaunted laptop took a dive into the deep end, YET AGAIN! This is the third bloody time it's crashed and the best part is this time around it seems that it crashed for no apparent reason at all. So much for high tech gadgets. So now my trusty N76 has to fill in for my missing Zen Neeon until I can get home and buy a new one. Then I've also got to send in my laptop for a major overhaul, probably swap out the hard disk for a new one and increase the RAM. Well depending on the price of the servicing I could probably land myself a new laptop and I'm currently eyeing the Sony VAIO (in red) or the Dell XPS PRODUCT RED laptop. So there you have it, two major problems which can only be solved when I get home, which is on the 19th of June. In the meantime I've got three more assignments left outstanding and two of them need to be handed in next week, add to that the dangerously close end of semester exams and my feeling ill yet again, I'm sure you can all see what a wonderful time I'm having, much akin to getting a paper cut on your bum if I'm any judge.

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