Just something random which came up while Lin, B-L and I were having lunch on Friday. I found what I said amusing enough to warrant it a post of it's own (actually I'm too damn lazy to write anything substantial.....). I can't really remember what we were talking about but I have a funny feeling it had something to do with our unsavoury lifestyle of drinks, smokes and a whole lot of clubbing.
"Any punk ass kid can fling himself off a building or onto the train tracks as a means of suicide, but it takes a real man to slowly torture himself to death by smoking, drinking and basically living a fulfilling life of wild debauchery!"
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Life Update
Been a long time since I posted anything and I'm going to make this a quick one as well. Returning back to Singapore tomorrow, 5th of December, and I can't wait to meet the lads for some serious clubbing action fueled with acts of wild debauchery and gallons of alcohol. It's been a real shit year and the only thing which can provide some consolation now is some good old partying. Oh crazy drink meister Brendan has already informed me of dire consequences (possibly dousing me in 151 and setting my ass on fire) if I do not haul my scrawny ass to ZoukOut on the 13th. Suj's annual party is also looming over the horizon like a drunken flock of pigeons about to take a cluster dump on you. The month's barely started and it looks like I'm about to be drunk simply from thinking of all the alcohol which is coming to get me. Well I'll say it couldn't come any later. There's a lot to post and I've got quite a few written up already waiting for final editing. Many a things have happened since the last post, and I hope that I can find some time in-between my non-alcohol induced periods of consciousness to get them up. See you in a bit comrades!
"If life screws you over, screw it back."
"If life screws you over, screw it back."
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Not another obituary
This time it's for a place not a person (thankfully enough). I was really shocked to read that Ministry of Sound (MoS) Singapore would be closing it's doors for good on the Channel News Asia (CNA) website today while I was at uni. Alongside Zouk and most recently St. Jame's Powerhouse, it was a real rock in the foundation of the clubbing scene in Singapore. There would forever be a line outside the place on weekends and especially during the holiday season. A place filled with many fond memories which I will never forget, and although I frequented many other clubs as well that was the one where I went to the most. Guess it might be time to remember my roots and head back to the ole' glory days of Muhammad Sultan Road. The place where it all began. Ciao MoS, and thanks for the memories.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Inhuman Humanity
Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, Pride. The seven deadly sins. The things that make us what we are, mortal men. Show me a person that does not have the following thoughts at any given point of their lives and I'll show you a saint, a person that is no longer man anymore. We study now so as to be able to secure a comfortable future, the attainment of wealth. Some might say that is not the case, that they will be satisfied when they have enough. But when will it ever be enough? After we have our lavish residences and material goods? Is this not Greed and Gluttony? The sin of excess? We all get angry on an almost daily basis due to the transgressions of others, is this not wrath? And don't even get me started on pride, it's something that everyone has. And envy, do we not envy those who have more than us? People are a very selfish lot, with the sentiment "Rather him/her than me" being prevalent in everyone. There is of course nothing wrong with this form of thinking as our self preservation should always be at the very top of our priorities. I mean we wouldn't be able to do much if we were dead right? Everything happens for a reason, and everyone does something for a reason. There is no such thing as a random act, no such thing as a person doing something without expecting any benefits from it. And that is how and why people choose when and where to act, "How much will I benefit from my actions? What will I gain from it? Is it worth the risk?" these are thoughts which go through all our minds before we do anything. We make acquaintances, friends, partners because we see uses in them. Their companionship is just an added benefit. This might be a very inhuman and detached way of seeing things but that is simply the way it is. We call people out when we are bored and avoid them when we are not. There is always a reason to not help others, but very rarely is there one to. There is always a wrong time for things, when will there ever be a right one. We speak to everyone differently, a different attitude for a different person. We judge others, we speak behind their backs, we are all hypocrites, we are all selfish, we are all human.
A jumble of random thoughts melded into something which reflects the mind, possibly the soul, it might be all true or plain rubbish, but one thing is for certain there is no smoke without a fire, no cause without effect. This is a short post for such a fundamental question. A question without answers.
A jumble of random thoughts melded into something which reflects the mind, possibly the soul, it might be all true or plain rubbish, but one thing is for certain there is no smoke without a fire, no cause without effect. This is a short post for such a fundamental question. A question without answers.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Life Update
Alrighty folks, got my new place, got my landline and I've got my internet, my new base of operations is fully operational. It's been a tedious move and setup but all seems well now. Thus begins a new uni week after that much too short one week break, will update with pictures of my new home and pictures taken from MANIFEST 2008 in due course. And MANIFEST 2008 was a real blast, got a couple of pictures and a whole lot of merchandise, the auction was a real nightmare but I finally managed to get the Razor Ramon HG key chain for a whopping $32 after an agressive bidding process where some fella tried to outbid me three times! (hah take that!) Other notable purchases were my GLOOMY BEAR stuff toy, awesome stuff that is, a model of Arcuied Brunestud from Lunar Legend Tsukihime (real good deal at $15 and it is very detailed) and the usual assortment of figures (quite lucky this year as I got most of the models I wanted) from Neon Genesis Evangelion, Lucky Star, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Onegai Sensei and To Love Ru. Well I'll end this very short post here and will upload the pictures soon. (Oh ya I've got some good stuff for you this time around Lin)
Friday, September 19, 2008
The Lair of the Spicy Wolf, and then some
Yeah that's right lads I've got a new home and the wolf's coming back into the city. Sure there's been a lot of speculation on whether I will actually move this year and yes it's certain. (it's roughly opposite QV for the lads who've been to Melbourne before) Already got the keys to the place, already got the power on and now all that's left is for the phone line to be connected, the Internet to be set up and a bit of cleaning up and I'm all set to formally move. In fact most of the lads have already seen the place so this is pretty much old news. Well I'll try to get some pictures of the place up soon (after I've moved my stuff in of course) but there's still much work to be done so I'm hoping and praying that everything goes smoothly. No more travelling up and down on the weekends anymore, and I'm quite certain that I'll be punctual if not early for any lunch or dinner meetings in the future. Now the next order of business is MANIFEST 2008 (WOOOOOO!!) which is the Melbourne Anime Festival, awesome stuff, it'll be on from next Friday to Sunday. Hope I get to find some rare collectibles this year. (not to mention it being a very windy day too if you chaps know what I mean, eh heh heh heh heh) So that's all for now, it's been a very turbulent week and I hope that better days will lie ahead.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Old News- Express
Caution! the following post should not be read by or shown to over patriotic citizens of China and will most likely offend all God knows how many billion of them. I am in no means racist and have my fair share of friends from China (quite good friends too they are). Just that I do have problems with those who piss me off. For those of you who have opposing opinions on this particular matter well you can take them and shove em' up your arse, all the way in.
Just something which happened a week or two back when I fell sick. Finally decided to call it quits and head over to the doctors after a week or so of self-medication due to a rather nasty flu. So I promptly made my way there after my lectures and tutorials were done for the day. I arrived at the clinic around 4:30 pm, and thought myself lucky as there was still half an hour to go before the clinic closed at 5pm. However much to my disgust and chagrin the stupid chink bitch of a receptionist said that the doctor would not be seeing me as I did not have an appointment and they were about to close. I persisted and said that I was prepared to wait but her answer was that it was not the case of my wanting to wait but rather the quack of a doctor and his shoddy staff rearing to leave at 5pm on the dot. They were damn lucky I was too sick at that time to unleash my fury so I simply left in disgust and left them a nice present by giving their door a good kick which I am pleased to announce resulted in the glass portion cracking. Bloody unethical chink ass doctor and his cheap whore of a receptionist, turning away paying patients in this day and age, and it was still a half hour to closing time! Here I am willing to pay them money to treat me and the bum fucks are too lazy to do so. I mean I know you china fuckers were greedy bastards but now lazy too? Fucking china bastards should bloody hell polish up their English and understand what the bloody phrase "Operating hours" mean. If you state that you close at 5 that means that as long as I come along before closing time you should damned hell treat me. I mean if you want to come to the damn country learn the fucking language first you pirate-arsed bastards. Thankfully enough I managed to find another clinic nearby which was not run by F.O.B chinks.
Just something which happened a week or two back when I fell sick. Finally decided to call it quits and head over to the doctors after a week or so of self-medication due to a rather nasty flu. So I promptly made my way there after my lectures and tutorials were done for the day. I arrived at the clinic around 4:30 pm, and thought myself lucky as there was still half an hour to go before the clinic closed at 5pm. However much to my disgust and chagrin the stupid chink bitch of a receptionist said that the doctor would not be seeing me as I did not have an appointment and they were about to close. I persisted and said that I was prepared to wait but her answer was that it was not the case of my wanting to wait but rather the quack of a doctor and his shoddy staff rearing to leave at 5pm on the dot. They were damn lucky I was too sick at that time to unleash my fury so I simply left in disgust and left them a nice present by giving their door a good kick which I am pleased to announce resulted in the glass portion cracking. Bloody unethical chink ass doctor and his cheap whore of a receptionist, turning away paying patients in this day and age, and it was still a half hour to closing time! Here I am willing to pay them money to treat me and the bum fucks are too lazy to do so. I mean I know you china fuckers were greedy bastards but now lazy too? Fucking china bastards should bloody hell polish up their English and understand what the bloody phrase "Operating hours" mean. If you state that you close at 5 that means that as long as I come along before closing time you should damned hell treat me. I mean if you want to come to the damn country learn the fucking language first you pirate-arsed bastards. Thankfully enough I managed to find another clinic nearby which was not run by F.O.B chinks.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
No Reply
Too lazy to post anything substantial, there was that thing at the doctors over the past week but I'll save that for another time. Now for another song from another anime, this time it's from the OST of Cowboy Bebop the Movie - Future Blues, this will of course be the second time I've posted the lyrics up for a song from this particular soundtrack the first being Gotta Knock a Little Harder and all I can say is that this anime has one of the best soundtracks I've ever heard. So here it is, No Reply by Tim Jensen and Yoko Kanno.
No Reply
Words by Tim Jensen
Music and Arranged by Yoko Kanno
Like the perfect ending
It won't be too long
Till everything I've ruined has seen me gone
In time, I pray you'll forgive
Now you know the man I am
Can you forgive me?
I fall
Like the sands of time
Like some broken rhyme
At feet no longer there
*If only I could call the rain to melt and wash away the pain you feel I would
You gave yourself to me and showed me what the truth could be
For that, I say thank you
This was my life
It never made much sense to me
With every lie that I lived
Part of me would fade
Into this empty shadow
I've become
And now I feel so numb
I no longer know myself
But I still know you
I call
And there's no reply
Like some phantom cry
On ears too far away
I close my eyes and watch as my life passes by
The only thing I see is you
For all the times you walked the line for me and standing by my side
I say thank you
Here lies my life
It never felt that real to me
You'll always mean so much to me
And there's no reply
And there's no reply
You'll never know how much you meant to me
Repeat *
I close my eyes and watch as my life passes by
The only thing I see is you
For all the times you walked the line for me and standing by my side
I say thank you
Here lies my life
It never felt that real to me
You in my life
It all meant so much more to me
This song isn't aimed at particularly anything, I just quite like the lyrics and felt that it was very meaningful and would probably hold some deep seated meaning for some. It does not however apply to me as no such person has appeared in my life yet, in a relationship sense of course and I've so far done quite a decent job of weathering out my stormy life by myself thank you very much.
No Reply
Words by Tim Jensen
Music and Arranged by Yoko Kanno
Like the perfect ending
It won't be too long
Till everything I've ruined has seen me gone
In time, I pray you'll forgive
Now you know the man I am
Can you forgive me?
I fall
Like the sands of time
Like some broken rhyme
At feet no longer there
*If only I could call the rain to melt and wash away the pain you feel I would
You gave yourself to me and showed me what the truth could be
For that, I say thank you
This was my life
It never made much sense to me
With every lie that I lived
Part of me would fade
Into this empty shadow
I've become
And now I feel so numb
I no longer know myself
But I still know you
I call
And there's no reply
Like some phantom cry
On ears too far away
I close my eyes and watch as my life passes by
The only thing I see is you
For all the times you walked the line for me and standing by my side
I say thank you
Here lies my life
It never felt that real to me
You'll always mean so much to me
And there's no reply
And there's no reply
You'll never know how much you meant to me
Repeat *
I close my eyes and watch as my life passes by
The only thing I see is you
For all the times you walked the line for me and standing by my side
I say thank you
Here lies my life
It never felt that real to me
You in my life
It all meant so much more to me
This song isn't aimed at particularly anything, I just quite like the lyrics and felt that it was very meaningful and would probably hold some deep seated meaning for some. It does not however apply to me as no such person has appeared in my life yet, in a relationship sense of course and I've so far done quite a decent job of weathering out my stormy life by myself thank you very much.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Just a bit of thick-skinned advertisement on behalf of an old friend (and by old I mean knew him for the better part of 13 years kind of old) of mine. His latest foray is into photography so I have done him the courtesy of putting up a slide show of his pictures on the page under the heading Pictures by an old friend (you can get the full sized version of the picture by clicking on it), and have also added a link to his flickr account under the Links of Note section of the blog. He's quite good for an amateur photographer and he's got some good shots (a favourite of mine is the one labelled Happy Monkey and his shots of Singapore's skyline is plain awesome). So if you miserable people are content with wasting your lives reading my blog you might as well waste a bit more of it and go view some of his pictures.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Paper Trail
Just a little note before we begin, as noted in the filler post "LUCKY STAR!" the blog did have a complete overhaul to a new "LUCKY CHANNEL" theme but an almost instantaneous condemnation of it led it to it's present state. And there you have it, straight talk like how I've been doing it all these years, no need for diplomacy or niceties, saying it like how it is. The question today is another one of life's paradoxes, a lot of people say money isn't everything, that greed is not good, well I say to you now, yes that is true, but wait! Only to a certain extent. Just look at us now, what exactly are we doing? Well maybe not at this very moment for some of us but we've already been sucked in to the great race for wealth and personal advancement, the great rat race of life. What is the purpose of all this studying, all this mental turmoil? It's all for that scrap of paper or papers called degrees, masters, doctorates and the like. These seemingly insignificant scraps of papers will and are already determining which roads we can and can not take in life. And what is it that all of us seek? It's wealth, you know it, I know it so there's no point in denying it. Oh sure some people might say they just want to lead and provide a comfortable life for their families and how are they going to do that? With cash of course. Sure cash may not be the money to everything, the rich and mighty are still felled by diseases and courses of nature but research fueled by cash may and will most likely find ways to overcome all if not most kinds of diseases. Everyday millions die of starvation when a few dollars could save these unfortunates. Everyday millions die of diseases which costs a paltry some to cure in developed countries. People say that money is the root of all evil, no it is not, like all weapons it is the wielder who is the most evil, and that is man itself. Money provides shelter, medical care and food. Money provides you with your posh landed-property and two continental cars. It provides you with your fine tailor made suits, exclusive club memberships and golf clubs. Money gives your family a comfortable life. What is the difference between a man who just wants to give his family a comfortable life and a man who wants to be ranked among the worlds richest? Just a few million dollars, ambition and some media exposure. Now I'm not saying that money is the most important thing in life but I would like to remind people the fact of what they are ultimately working towards. I've had enough of ignorant and hyped up religious fanatics going money isn't everything or that money is the cause of all evil. Money is the ultimate reason why the youth of today are working their asses off at educational institutions. Being broke won't save all the impoverished people in the world, but a suit case full of cash sure as hell will. If evil is to be attributed to anything in this world, it would be the hearts and desires of men.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Matters of Faith
I know this might shock you lot at home but some of the chaps down under seem to think I'm a religious person. While the notion of some people thinking that I still have an ounce of good in me instead of pure foul-mouthed scum is welcome I have to admit that I am surprised. Now I'm sure I won't be the first person to admit it (I know you assholes are just clamouring to say it too) but I am not a good person full-stop. I'm not saying I'm a bloody mass-murderer or drug peddler but I'm a far cry from being clean, having had my share of highly questionable adventures and endeavours. I mean everyone knows of how high-strung I am what with me spewing out vulgarities faster than a 6000 rpm Mini-Gun at the slightest thing that irks me. But there is one thing I always try to do no matter where I am, and that is attending mass every Sunday and for every day of obligation. Now I won't say I haven't missed a single one but I do make it a point to try my best. Now a lot of people wonder why I make so much effort seeing as it clashes with my abrasive personality. I can't really explain it to them as they're free-thinkers so religion to them is as foreign as politicians speaking the truth but I guess if I could ever be bothered to answer their queries it would be this. Since I've started living in Melbourne I've felt very much like a wanderer, not belonging in either place, every time I return so much changes making me feel like I'm stuck in the past, like I've never changed at all from three years ago. The only thing which remains a constant is the Church, the Cross and the Blessed Virgin. No matter where I go the Church is always there, always the same, a familiar sight, a most welcome sight. At least when all else fails, when I'm left all alone with no one to turn to the Church will still be there. I always feel at ease when I'm in Church, in fact I feel so relaxed and peaceful that I've got to try damn hard to not doze off. I won't say may faith is plenty and strong, but I'd like to think that it's constantly growing, maybe not by much, but bit by bit. Besides I always tell Sibu Ang Kau this, I've done a lot of wrong in this short life of mine, that's why I need to go to Church so much, to seek redemption, I'm not expecting much, I don't even know if he's listening, but the fact that I can make my peace with him, to ask for forgiveness is enough for me. Things change, people come and go, friends are made and lost, but at the end of the day at least the Church will always be there, even if I have nothing left.
Friday, August 22, 2008

An anime which I had the good fortune of coming across while on vacation at home, simply put it's super funny and cute. The show doesn't have much in the way of a plot or a story, just the daily happenings in the lives of a bunch of high school students in Japan and it has an awesome opening song, really upbeat and catchy. Really great and relaxing show to watch after a long day, I rate it a massive five stars. But for those of you who are only interested in serious anime with clear defined themes and storyline I suggest you give this one a pass as you'd most most likely describe it as a fiendishly childish show. The current blog layout has been derived from the ending segment of the show called "LUCKY CHANNEL", a spoof talk show manned by two characters from the show. This sudden change in layout from the previous dark and imperious trappings of red and gold to more cheerful tones is my future direction for the blog (either that or it could just be a one-off special depending on the feedback I get).
Friday, August 15, 2008
Ever lie in bed at night and stare into the abysmal darkness thinking what exactly are you doing with your life? What have you accomplished at this point in your life? Do you feel happy and fulfilled or just emptiness. We spent all our younger days wishing we could get older faster but now we're clamouring to go back to the ole' days. The great paradox of humanity. I sit here now typing this blog while trying to answer these questions myself and the answers I have come up with are very grim indeed. I have no idea what has become of my life, in fact I think I lost track of it as soon as I set foot here. And I'll be perfectly blunt, no offense to anyone, I'm stuck in a fucked up third-rate university which the better part of Singapore hasn't heard of before, I have failed to make any acquaintances at the mother-fucking place no matter how hard I try and I'm living in a cess pit. That about summarises my miserable life, add in a few more touchy matters for insult to injury and there you have it, shit, pure unadulterated fucking shit. I'm alone, I'm pissed and I'm at my wits end. Let me tell you something I didn't become bloody cranky and moody overnight, trust me you'd be the same if you were in my over-priced Nike Air Force One shoes. Most of my friends already know what they want with their life, already taking the steps to secure it. Friends and Brothers of Old in various elite units of the military, some already offered places in the prestigious National University of Singapore (NUS) and equally lauded Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and no matter what those Caucasian ass-clowns say NUS is one of THE top universities in the world. Others finishing up their Polytechnic diplomas and Millenia Institute (MI) 'A' Level's preparing to enter National Service (NS). All if not most have found their direction, a path laid out before them, all except me. Here I lay struggling in some third-rate university, here I lay lost and alone. Another night has come to pass, and once more I stare into the depths of the night.....and pray for a miracle.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Almost time......
So it seems that as with my previous trips home I usually tend to be swamped with so many appointments that my blog is left to stagnate and rot like my old secondary school Chinese textbooks. And since I am simply too bloody lazy to document every bleeding thing which has happened since my return I shall simply put up the very few pictures which were taken at one select event (in fact these were the only bloody pictures I took throughout my entire holiday here, except of course for that single solitary one when ole' Morg dropped by). So without much further ado I present to you the pictures that were taken when I went to meet Ian and crew for drinks at Siglap. 
Tim's and I

And again
Now Ian
And again
Altogether now
And don't forget, smoking is bad for the health. Oh, and so is excessive drinking.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
The Minister Mentor recently commented that Singapore would be brought to ruin if opposition parties were ever to come into power. I have always thought that the Minister Mentor has a very good command of the English language and is very proficient in it's use. His most recent statements however beg to differ. He has through the course of making this speech admitted to Singapore being and staying a one-party nation. In other words a communist state of sorts, albeit the only working communist society in the world. The Singaporean society is a very submissive one with most if not the majority of Singaporeans always deferring to a higher authority. In other words someone in a higher social or business standing is always right, and even if you think not never express your personal opinions. It is a society where the Party, the Government is always right, where the people are not entitled to have their say. A true communist utopia. Listening to the local radio stations, watching local television and reading the local papers is like reading pure and unadulterated propaganda. Mind you I have nothing against the government however I do feel that they are taking their current situation for granted. After staying in power for so long I feel that they have grown fat and complacent, that they have forgotten one very important thing. The People do not exist to serve the government, but the government exists to serve the People. Every year the government reports record growth in the economy, but every year the price of living increases with no respite in sight. There is a saying here that everything increases except your pay. True the government does provide some rebates for the so-called "Heartlanders", people who live in government built flats. But what of those who live in private apartments? They are sadly left to fend for themselves and mind you a lot of people who live in flats are quite well off, look at their parking lots, chock full of continental cars. So why is it that people in Singapore receive government rebates and help depending on where they live? So what if I live in a private apartment? I'm not rich, heck I barely qualify for middle-class. So why is it that I don't receive any rebates from the government while the bastard who lives in a flat, owns a bloody Benz, gigantic LCD television and Bose surround sound system gets it? Must I purposely downgrade myself just to receive help from the government? I'm not trying to discriminate against those who live in flats, heck thats where I spent most of my childhood and my Grandparents place, which is a flat. What I'm trying to say is that the system needs to be changed, where people receive help based on their income and not where they live.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
I take my leave, for now.....
Going back home on the 19th of June, tomorrow to be more precise. Rather sudden I know what with my exams having just ended on the 17th but it seems that all the flights back are fully booked and this was the only date left so there. As much as going home sounds appealing to me I'm beginning to wonder if it's really as enjoyable as it sounds. Of course there will be much to do when I get home, meeting with brothers and friends, hoisting a drink or two (or three, four.....), playing soccer, getting in shape, getting a job, shopping and most importantly hanging out at my gramps place again. One and a half months of not having to listen to Angkau prattle on about cars and his perverted fantasies, of Xander trying to give new meaning to the term "extreme perversion", of Ryan.....just being Ryan and of course the rest being themselves. It'll be one and a half months free from CoD 4 and talking crap with the rest. So should I feel relieved? Or should I already start to miss it? You decide.
"From the smiles and the look in their eyes everyones got a theory about the bitter one".
"From the smiles and the look in their eyes everyones got a theory about the bitter one".
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Death by Stupidity
Had my first paper on Friday, Company Law, and I can state without a doubt that I thoroughly screwed it up, so thorough was I in sabotaging myself that I even got the time limit for the paper wrong. At the end of the day I've only got myself to blame and I suddenly feel so very stupid. And following the lyrics of the song Mad Season by Matchbox Twenty I do hope that I catch on in time for the next three papers. Talk about bad beginnings, this is just plain awful, it's seriously going to take either a miracle or a special appearance by God Himself for things to go right now.Shit. Fucking shit. That's all I can say now. If there was ever a time to be angry at oneself this is bloody it. I've got another paper next Wednesday, Corporate Accounting which is a right pain in the ass followed by papers on Monday and Tuesday the following week, Management Accounting and Information Methods to round up my examination campaign. At the end of the day saying you did your best in defence is still an excuse for your blatant lack of intelligence. And then you begin to question yourself "Did I really do my best?" Damn this life really sucks, it's been crap for a long time but this is seriously rubbish. And the thought that there's definitely someone out there whose got a shittier deal then me isn't reassuring at all. Like what Charlie Brown said, "When do the good things start?". Seriously, when?
"You are both your greatest asset and your greatest liability."
"You are both your greatest asset and your greatest liability."
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Why can't we be friends?
'Ahem', 'Ahem' Welcome to another session of Doctor Wolf's ramblings on Love, Life, Sex, and Bananas (ok the last one was a bit strange.....). A friend of mine sought my counsel a few days back where some of his classmates were giving him the cold shoulder and being overly critical of him, shooting down any, and every comment he makes. Now the funny thing is that they were getting along reasonably well at the start of the semester, and all of the sudden we have this strange change in attitude. As usual these problems baffle me as I'm no Mr.Personality myself, the kind of person who could effortlessly attract the masses to them. I'm quite the opposite in fact, I don't as much draw people in as I push them away, being an overtly guarded, hostile and paranoid person. The friend's which I have made have been pure luck and chance, where effort played the least role (which might explain my very much dead and buried private life, but I'll cry over that some other time). I remember the first day I arrived at the hostel back in 2006, my mood was as foul as someone who got diarrhea for a whole damn week (mind you it happened to me once before). I was first ambushed by two kids while I was coming out of the toilet (you can already guess who those two are) and they promptly introduced themselves to me. The first thought which came across my mind was "Who the hell are these weird fellows?". Then I stalked off to the cafeteria for dinner where I heard a particularly loud mouthed buffoon making too much bloody noise at a row of tables next to the window. I closely surveyed the people in the cafeteria as I would the sole of my shoe after stepping on something, and thought to myself "Oh my God, what kind of shit have I got myself into". Then this weird fellow in his tucked-in checked shirt walked past and I thought "Bloody uncle so old already then want to start studying ah". You can imagine my first impression of student life in Melbourne was not good. But then these people turned out to be rather good friends of mine as we had many things in common, the kids loved anime and one of them was almost as schooled as me on military matters, the uncle was a damned car fanatic and the loud fella, well we were both loud anyway. So back to the main point, in all honesty I couldn't answer his question and have practically no idea why I went on and on about this story, I just hope that it serves some purpose. Personally I would say that looks can and will be deceiving, don't judge others too fast and think before you talk. Friendship and Relationships are a two way street, there will always be giving and taking. From this point on in your life it doesn't help to make enemies, besides everyone should be matured enough to think past that stage already. If anyone gives you shit, ask them why they are doing so and try to think back as to how you may have offended them. And at the end of the day if they're still being pricks (most likely due to the lack of a proper one if they are males) come back to me and I'll teach you some very illuminating words and phrases. Most importantly it's no use trying to fit in, just be yourself, you only live for one person, which is you alone.
Thursday, May 22, 2008

Friday, May 16, 2008
It never rains nor does it pour when a farkin' typhoon can blow it's way in and make a right mess of your life which will be God's own work to clean up. Which is what exactly happened to me a few weeks ago. First, my veteran four year old Zen Neeon MP3 player disappeared mysteriously while I was commuting to the city a few Saturdays ago. Sure I bitched about how old and messed-up it was but I never expected it to go this way. And along with it went my trusty Sony headphones which my Dad got for me way back in 2002. Not to mention the countless songs which I forgot to back up and will again be God's own work in finding all of them. And on to the second case, scarcely had a week passed when my much vaunted laptop took a dive into the deep end, YET AGAIN! This is the third bloody time it's crashed and the best part is this time around it seems that it crashed for no apparent reason at all. So much for high tech gadgets. So now my trusty N76 has to fill in for my missing Zen Neeon until I can get home and buy a new one. Then I've also got to send in my laptop for a major overhaul, probably swap out the hard disk for a new one and increase the RAM. Well depending on the price of the servicing I could probably land myself a new laptop and I'm currently eyeing the Sony VAIO (in red) or the Dell XPS PRODUCT RED laptop. So there you have it, two major problems which can only be solved when I get home, which is on the 19th of June. In the meantime I've got three more assignments left outstanding and two of them need to be handed in next week, add to that the dangerously close end of semester exams and my feeling ill yet again, I'm sure you can all see what a wonderful time I'm having, much akin to getting a paper cut on your bum if I'm any judge.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Looking into the shrouded distance
I never used to think about the future a lot, being too caught up with the events of the present, but recently I've been giving it much thought. Back when I was still rolling with the crazy characters from St.Pat's we never actually thought much about what was going to happened in the future, the only thing that was important to us was having fun. But in the blink of an eye three years have passed since we donned the uniform for the last time. Did any of us really have the slightest inkling of where we'd be now? Well I for one didn't expect to be here, so how many of us are where we truly want to be? Well what we want isn't usually what we get. Back then life was so much simpler, we only lived for the next school holiday, we quite simply only lived to have fun. True, three years might have not been such a long time but it feels like I've aged a lot since then. I've had to start thinking about the path that I'm going to take in order to fulfill my dreams. But what are my dreams exactly? What am I working towards? Does anyone now have a clear picture of what they want? I sure as hell don't, and I'm making it up as I go along, like one of the many impromptu speeches I have made in the past. Well you could say that finding a dream is sort of a dream in itself. There are many question but few answers. The year is 2008, and soon enough it'll be 2009. Time used to travel so very slow, but now it seems that it's in a bit of a hurry. Where will each one of us be in another three years time? Will we still be able recognise each other if we met on a busy street? Will each of us be that much closer to what we seek? A clouded thought, for a rather cloudy day.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
A minor post deviation on the LAN game which seems to take up a good portion of our leisure time these days, Call of Duty 4. As FPS games come it's right up there with FEAR and Ghost Recon. Good game play with a nice spread of weapons to choose from, not to mention a measure of accuracy and realism as to the characteristics of each weapon in question, aside from the jamming part which is almost impossible to replicate in a game. Especially like the part of the game where you gain access to better weaponry and perks as your rank increases. So here's my take on which weapon is the best of it's class.
Assault Rifle: AK-47. Sure it might not be the most accurate or prettiest gun around but 7.62 Russian and full automatic? Nothing gets better than that. Great for short to mid-ranged engagements.
Sub-Machinegun: MP-5. Good looking and accurate as hell the MP-5 is the obvious choice, the 9mm round might be a mere pistol round but at close ranges it does it's job quite well. Great for short range engagements, especially house-to-house fighting but useless at ranges over that.
Shotgun: M1014. Three words, 'Semi-Automatic' and 'Shotgun', close quarters battle doesn't get any better than that. The only problem is it's four round capacity and since it's a shotgun that means it's an ultra-short ranged weapon, with an effective range less than that of a pistol or sub-machine gun.
Sniper Rifle: Barrett M82A1. 12.7 and semi-automatic, what more could a sniper want? Literally means one shot one kill with this weapon, not to mention re-arranging your anatomy in the process.
Light Machinegun: M60E4. 7.62 NATO and a nice 56cm barrel, can be used as both a support weapon and a sniper rifle. Great for mid to long range engagements.
Pistol: H&K MK23 Mod 0. .45 ACp with a 12 round magazine, good stopping power and adequate magazine capacity. True it might have a much smaller round than the much vaunted Desert Eagle with it's big .50 AE round but more than makes up for it with it's 12 round magazine when compared with the Desert Eagle's seven round one. And the victor in combat is usually the one with the most bullets. As with pistols and sub-machineguns it is a short range weapon.
And here's my take on perk combinations one should use in various combat situations.
Assault: Perk 1: x3 frag grenades. Perk 2: Sonic boom. Perk 3: Extreme Conditioning. In usual cases a player who frequents the assault tactic will frequently opt for the under slung grenade launcher as an attachment for his assault rifle so the Sonic boom perk which increases the damage of high explosive weapons is extremely useful and add to that x3 frag grenades and you now have the ability to be a one man army. Extreme conditioning enables you to sprint for longer distances which means you have the ability to quickly reposition yourself before the enemy even knew you were there.
Close-Quarter Battle: Really depends on what weapon you opt for, if it's a sub-machinegun go for x3 frag grenades, stopping power and martyrdom. If you're going for the shotgun x3 frag grenades, juggernaut and steady aim. Stopping power for a sub-machinegun increases the potency for that measly pistol round while juggernaut for the shotgun enables you to stay alive while you charge in to take your shot. Steady aim increases the accuracy for hip-firing which is ideal for close-quarter battle situations, especially so for the shotgun. And of course martyrdom is there to simply irritate the enemy and as a back-up plan.
Long-Range Interdiction/Sniper: Claymores, UAV jammer and iron lungs. Claymores can be used to guard your flanks from an ambush and the UAV jammer enables you to stay hidden when the enemy does a UAV scan. Iron lungs help you to make your first shot all the more accurate. Don't forget to put a suppressor on your pistol too.
Support/Squad Automatic Weapon: RPG, stopping power and deep impact. Stopping power gives your already formidable bullet more bang for it's buck while deep impact makes sure that whatever cover your enemy has is as good as rice paper. The RPG is just there to make a bigger mess out of things.
Assault Rifle: AK-47. Sure it might not be the most accurate or prettiest gun around but 7.62 Russian and full automatic? Nothing gets better than that. Great for short to mid-ranged engagements.
Sub-Machinegun: MP-5. Good looking and accurate as hell the MP-5 is the obvious choice, the 9mm round might be a mere pistol round but at close ranges it does it's job quite well. Great for short range engagements, especially house-to-house fighting but useless at ranges over that.
Shotgun: M1014. Three words, 'Semi-Automatic' and 'Shotgun', close quarters battle doesn't get any better than that. The only problem is it's four round capacity and since it's a shotgun that means it's an ultra-short ranged weapon, with an effective range less than that of a pistol or sub-machine gun.
Sniper Rifle: Barrett M82A1. 12.7 and semi-automatic, what more could a sniper want? Literally means one shot one kill with this weapon, not to mention re-arranging your anatomy in the process.
Light Machinegun: M60E4. 7.62 NATO and a nice 56cm barrel, can be used as both a support weapon and a sniper rifle. Great for mid to long range engagements.
Pistol: H&K MK23 Mod 0. .45 ACp with a 12 round magazine, good stopping power and adequate magazine capacity. True it might have a much smaller round than the much vaunted Desert Eagle with it's big .50 AE round but more than makes up for it with it's 12 round magazine when compared with the Desert Eagle's seven round one. And the victor in combat is usually the one with the most bullets. As with pistols and sub-machineguns it is a short range weapon.
And here's my take on perk combinations one should use in various combat situations.
Assault: Perk 1: x3 frag grenades. Perk 2: Sonic boom. Perk 3: Extreme Conditioning. In usual cases a player who frequents the assault tactic will frequently opt for the under slung grenade launcher as an attachment for his assault rifle so the Sonic boom perk which increases the damage of high explosive weapons is extremely useful and add to that x3 frag grenades and you now have the ability to be a one man army. Extreme conditioning enables you to sprint for longer distances which means you have the ability to quickly reposition yourself before the enemy even knew you were there.
Close-Quarter Battle: Really depends on what weapon you opt for, if it's a sub-machinegun go for x3 frag grenades, stopping power and martyrdom. If you're going for the shotgun x3 frag grenades, juggernaut and steady aim. Stopping power for a sub-machinegun increases the potency for that measly pistol round while juggernaut for the shotgun enables you to stay alive while you charge in to take your shot. Steady aim increases the accuracy for hip-firing which is ideal for close-quarter battle situations, especially so for the shotgun. And of course martyrdom is there to simply irritate the enemy and as a back-up plan.
Long-Range Interdiction/Sniper: Claymores, UAV jammer and iron lungs. Claymores can be used to guard your flanks from an ambush and the UAV jammer enables you to stay hidden when the enemy does a UAV scan. Iron lungs help you to make your first shot all the more accurate. Don't forget to put a suppressor on your pistol too.
Support/Squad Automatic Weapon: RPG, stopping power and deep impact. Stopping power gives your already formidable bullet more bang for it's buck while deep impact makes sure that whatever cover your enemy has is as good as rice paper. The RPG is just there to make a bigger mess out of things.
The Garden of Everything
The last song I heard before my much troubled laptop went off the deep end again. Chanced upon it by sheer luck when I was searching for songs from a Japanese singer, Maaya Sakamoto. Don't know why but as soon as I heard this song I really liked it. So without much further ado I present to you, The Garden of Everything by Steve Conte and Maaya Sakamoto, from the anime Rahxephon: The Movie.
The Garden of Everything
Here you are
Daylight's star
Made out of miracles
Perfection Of your own
You Alone
O so incredible
Each atom
Sings to me
"Set me free
From chains of the physical"
O free me, O free me
The mirror melts
I'm somewhere else
Inside eternity
Where you on Outstretched wings
Sing within
The Garden of Everything
Where memories
Call to me
Backward dreams?
Or phantom reality?
Call to me, they call to me
And so here we are
Lovers of Lost Dimensions
Burning supernovas of all sound and sight
Every touch, a temptation
And for every sense, a sensation
Eyes of pure
Deep azure
Quite unbelievable
The sun's daughter You've been made
Not to fade
Quite inconceivable
Each atom sings to me
"Set me free
From chains of the physical"
O free me O free me
A love like ours A starry flower
Through seasons and centuries
As rivers reach the sea
You'll reach me
With songs of your symmetry
A small boat That will float
To far off coasts
The Isle of Infinity
Come with me. O come with me
Here we'll see Love's lost tree
Made out of miracles
Emotions, crystal leaves
To cover me
And you in eternity
Each atom sings to us
Through the blood
"Love is a miracle"
Sings softly, it sings softly
And so here we are
Lovers of Lost Dimensions
Burning supernovas of all sound and sight
Every touch, a temptation
And for every sense, a sensation
And so here we are
Twin stars of brilliant brightness
Lanterns lit by life for all the depths of night
And every day will return us
To arms of the ever eternal
And so here we are
So far from earthly orbits
Burning supernovas of all sound and sight
Where every day will return us
To arms of the ever eternal
The Garden of Everything
Here you are
Daylight's star
Made out of miracles
Perfection Of your own
You Alone
O so incredible
Each atom
Sings to me
"Set me free
From chains of the physical"
O free me, O free me
The mirror melts
I'm somewhere else
Inside eternity
Where you on Outstretched wings
Sing within
The Garden of Everything
Where memories
Call to me
Backward dreams?
Or phantom reality?
Call to me, they call to me
And so here we are
Lovers of Lost Dimensions
Burning supernovas of all sound and sight
Every touch, a temptation
And for every sense, a sensation
Eyes of pure
Deep azure
Quite unbelievable
The sun's daughter You've been made
Not to fade
Quite inconceivable
Each atom sings to me
"Set me free
From chains of the physical"
O free me O free me
A love like ours A starry flower
Through seasons and centuries
As rivers reach the sea
You'll reach me
With songs of your symmetry
A small boat That will float
To far off coasts
The Isle of Infinity
Come with me. O come with me
Here we'll see Love's lost tree
Made out of miracles
Emotions, crystal leaves
To cover me
And you in eternity
Each atom sings to us
Through the blood
"Love is a miracle"
Sings softly, it sings softly
And so here we are
Lovers of Lost Dimensions
Burning supernovas of all sound and sight
Every touch, a temptation
And for every sense, a sensation
And so here we are
Twin stars of brilliant brightness
Lanterns lit by life for all the depths of night
And every day will return us
To arms of the ever eternal
And so here we are
So far from earthly orbits
Burning supernovas of all sound and sight
Where every day will return us
To arms of the ever eternal
Monday, April 28, 2008
Normally when people have dreams they usually forget most of it by the time they wake up, all that's left are vague fragments of something your subconsciousness has been dwelling on. Not for me unfortunately, I remember them as clearly as a new LCD screen projects images. Been having the same damn dreams for close to a month already. Well not everyday but at least once a week. To some (had I made known the contents to them, which I most certainly would not, unless of course I killed them after I told them but I digress) these dreams would not have been classified as nightmares but instead as extremely pleasant dreams, akin to a gift from God. I on the other hand have been rudely awakened by them, usually in the middle of the bloody night and drenched in cold sweat, quite literally indeed. And what's worse is that I usually can't get back to sleep after this, too busy over worrying about why I was having such a disturbing dream. And all this happened as a result of my conversation with someone a while ago, I won't say who but the fool is sure as hell enjoying himself now, jackass. I know better than to read anything into these things but I find them extremely distracting, and not to mention affecting my much treasured sleeping time. However it does intrigue me a bit.....
Monday, April 21, 2008
You've lost that lovin' feeling.....
An old friend of mine sought my counsel a few days back, regarding matters of the heart foolishly enough. Now I'll be the first to admit that in the field of relationships I have as much experience as an embryo, which is to say none at all. I will however say that after watching all those damned dramas (and romance anime) I have picked up a thing or two in the theory department. So despite the most well known fact (and most of the lads at home find it rather amusing too) that my love life is as dead as road-kill some still persist in seeking my opinions and counsel for whatever reasons are still unknown to me (either that or the bastards are just trying to rub it in). And as usual we have another case of unrequited love, as common as a monkey with bananas and coconuts. So as usual all I could dish out was my well worn platitudes of "eventually somebody will accept you for who you are" or "for all you know you might find someone who really appreciates you soon" that sort of thing. Phrases which we dish out to console friends in such situations. I really do hope that the lad finds someone nice soon, he sure as hell deserves it. Nobody wants to be alone, everyone out there is looking for that special someone, someone whom you know will think of you before she goes to sleep, somebody with which you can share both the good and the bad with. That special someone who always gives you that warm feeling even in the coldest of nights, someone who just makes you smile for no damn reason. It takes great courage to fall in love, even more so to fall out of it intact. But never let these setbacks build a wall around your heart, never let it harden your soul, to do so would be to admit defeat and to damn yourself to a bleak and lonely existence. Keep on trying and eventually someone will accept your feelings. Sure it might hurt awhile, heck it might hurt for a damn long time in some cases, but think of it as a learning experience, take it in your stride. Be proud that you had the courage to do something about your feelings, that at least you didn't go down without trying, at least you gave it your all and don't have any regrets. Don't put off your feelings because it only gets worse as time passes, and for God's sake don't make any excuses. Don't say that "Oh I'm too busy now" or "Oh I'll wait for a better time". Don't think that she'll be there for the taking forever, if you fancy her I'm sure someone sure as hell does too. Wait any longer and that someone will get ahead of you, and by then it'll be too late. It's damn easy to come up with excuses, but it takes a real man to act decisively. A good friend of mine once told me that if you want something you need to grab it with both hands. From what his girlfriend told me he waited for her at the school gate after school everyday. I would never imagine him doing that but that's the kind of thing a guy in love would do I guess, heh the kids are all growing up it seems. And to all those who are attached, you punks know who you are, don't fool around with other girls, I know the lot of you like to say that "Oh at this age it isn't serious. it's just play" and all that kind of crap but please think of people's feelings, she isn't some toy which you throw away as soon as you're bored with it. I know we always joke about these kinds of things but I hope that in reality that's all they are, just jokes. I made the mistake of doing nothing, I closed my heart down and simply lost that lovin' feeling a long time ago, don't make the same mistake.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Intermission/Monkeying Around
So Morgan's long awaited vacation here has come and gone like a distant breeze (one which carries a rather perverse smell if i might add). It was a splendid week filled to the brim with fun, fun and more (bum)fun. Just like old times, just like old times. So it began last Sunday when he touched down in Melbourne around the afternoon, around 1 i think. The usual lot of us then went on to have lunch at our usual haunt, Singapore Chom Chom. Lunch was then followed by Brendan and i heading off for the 4:30 mass (Yes going to Church is still a must even in light of such circumstances). Dinner soon followed (i think some good ole' fashioned LAN, Battle Gear 4 and Initial D Stage 4 was mixed in there) and we promptly made our way home. (To be more precise we bought a rather good amount of light liquor and i ended up spending the night at their place drinking, chatting and playing LAN as usual) So Monday was pretty much the same if i remember correctly, lunch, LAN (Battlefield 4 to be more precise, the lads are hooked onto it, like dung beetles and crap), dinner and home. Tuesday was more or less the same only difference was that we headed over to Crown for dinner at The Pub followed by a movie (which i couldn't be bothered to watch and for those interested they went to watch The Other Boleyn Girl). Wednesday was rather more interesting as we went in search for the rather elusive The Old Raffles Place restaurant around the Smith street area (The more perceptive of you might have guessed that this is a Singaporean restaurant) and at the same time indulged in some shopping. So we braved the foul weather in search of this restaurant only to arrive at our destination to find out that it was not open for lunch on Wednesday and that we had to come back during dinner time if we were that adamant on trying out their food. Which is exactly what we did. In the time span between lunch and dinner we went shopping around Smith street, headed back into the city for some quick LAN and went back to the restaurant for dinner. Now was all this hassle worth while? Damn right it was, for the food there was quite good if I'd say so myself. Thursday started off like how most of mine begin, pure crap. Had to wake up early as i had an early tutorial that day and after the subsequent lecture i went back to Box Hill, dropped my bag and dashed off to the city with due haste. Went over to Alicia and Jie Yi's place where Morgan, Xander and I were pressed into hard labour and helped to assemble their new wardrobes which they bought from Ikea the day before. I'm sure you all know how the rest of the day went dinner at the Korean bbq place and LAN was how the night was concluded, as usual. The lot of us had steam boat and hot plate at Alicia and Jie Yi's house on Friday and simply talked the night away (I'm sure the phrase "YEE HA" would remind us of the more hilarious moments). We spent Saturday loafing around at the girls place again till it was time for dinner where we headed to The Old Raffles Place restaurant again for another scrumptious dinner. This was followed by karaoke where everyone put up a splendid performance. Sunday was rather subdued as it was time for good ole' Morgan to leave for Brisbane. We had lunch, played LAN and said our farewells at 7:30. And with that his vacation here had concluded and life returns to its old mundane self. Cheers Morgan, take care and see you again soon dude!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
A short one this will be. The week is week 4 of the first semester of 2008. 8 more weeks till the semester is over, which means that if i don't get my ass in gear now I'm going to be in the shitters real soon. Gotta have to chuck away all the distractions and such and start getting busy, with work that is. This Thursday marks the beginning of our extremely short Easter break which lasts till next Thursday. Over the course of which i need to get some work done, can't afford to play catch-up game with my work anymore. Morgan should be arriving in Melbourne this Sunday for his 10 day vacation. Have seriously no idea what we're gonna do once he touches down anyway, after all there isn't much to do in Melbourne in the first place. And besides it won't be the same as his trip down last year as John and Xander are no longer staying in the city which means that our activities could be restricted by the train timetables. On another note i went down to give the place where they would be moving into a look over and am seriously not the least bit impressed by it. For one the place is ancient, with furniture dating back from the 1970's. And on another note the place looks a bit seedy to me too. Not to mention the inconvenience of there being only 1 toilet for all 5 tenants to use. Oh and the place is missing a dryer. True since the place is at Richmond it's only a short hop away from the city but it doesn't make sense to move into a place which is much worse than what I'm currently living in. Not to mention more expensive. Some might think I'm very picky with this housing business but trust me you'll be too when it's your turn to look for a new place. I mean if you're going to have to pay so much you might as well try for the best deal out there right? No sense in going for the first thing you see. So there you have it another bland and bleak post has been published and still the question of my housing has yet to be answered, and i dearly hope that it'll work itself out soon.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Oh what the hell.....
As usual Brendan has seen fit to drag my arse into some sort of nonsensical survey-esque kind of thing.
Instructions: Remove 1 question from below and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post.
1. At what age do you wish to marry?: Ideally by 25or 27? With kids by/before 30. Ideally. Hopefully. God willing.
2. If you can turn into anything, what do you wish you can turn into?: What kind of childish question is this?
3. If you were stranded on an desert island, who are the 3 blog buddies you would take with you? Why?: Morgan, Brendan(m'sia) and Brendan(s'pore). Because misery loves company.
4. Where is the place that you want to go most?: Japan. Hot springs, anime, food, chicks and most importantly the maid cafes.
5. If you have one dream to come true, what would it be?: To have all of my dreams to come true. If not then let me talk to her again.
5. If you have one dream to come true, what would it be?: To have all of my dreams to come true. If not then let me talk to her again.
6. DO you believe in seeing the rainbow after the rain?: Optimistically yes. But the the realist in me would always weigh up the good with the bad, and often a times the scales could be unbalanced.
7. what are you afraid to lose the most right now?: Myself.
8. Do you want your first born child to be a girl or boy? Why?: A boy i think, so that he can take care of his younger sister. Actually any one is alright as long as they're normal and healthy.
9. If you meet someone you love, would you confess to him/her?: When the time is right yes. Girls always like to be reassured (and they absolutely love this kind of mushy stuff). Anyway nothing makes a person happier than if the person they love tells them that.
10. List out three good things of the person who tagged you.: Rather creative. Absurdly responsible. Able optimist. (You'd better thank me for not cursing you here.....)
11. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?: Simply that she never forgets about me and that she follows me to visit my grandparent's regularly. (it won't hurt if she's good at cooking and cleaning too, has long hair and preferably be younger or of same age.)
11. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?: Simply that she never forgets about me and that she follows me to visit my grandparent's regularly. (it won't hurt if she's good at cooking and cleaning too, has long hair and preferably be younger or of same age.)
12. What type of person do you hate the most?: It'll really take too much time to answer this question. To summarise it up arrogance and dishonour.
13. What is your ambition?: Still looking for one. Tentatively i'd say to be the best teacher around (GTO BANZAI!) and to be able to give my family a VERY comfortable life.
14. If you have a flaw, would you rather the people around you point out to you or would you rather they keep quiet?: I'd probably know it already, although it won't hurt if they point it out in a politically correct manner.
15. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?: True happiness. (which i hope to find soon.)
16. What would you most want to achieve right now?: Get my double major bachelor of business course done and over with and graduate with first class honours (it won't hurt if somewhere along i get myself a girlfriend too.)
17. If you have a chance, which part of your character would you like to change?: Nothing i think. If i changed my character i wouldn't really be my true self now would i?
18. What would you wanna be after you're dead?: Like any reasonable Catholic, in Heaven. Of course what i'd really like to do is have a nice long chat with God about various matters over a bottle of Heavenly alcohol. (and hope that i don't get drunk and make a fool out of myself in front of him.)
19. If there’s one thing in your life you want to do but yet unable to, what would it be? To go back to 2004, and to muster up the courage to talk to her and work something out.
20. What happens if i refuse to tag 8 more people?: I save them the trouble of doing this of course.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Shit happens, Part 2
Took the trouble to wake up early for my 11am Corporate Accounting tutorial today. Reached the campus with time to spare so i went over to the library to get some notes printed out and promptly headed to the classroom for the tutorial. Upon reaching the classroom i saw the notice which stated that there would be no 11am tutorials today as the lecturer couldn't make it. I'm sure you can all imagine me standing there staring at the notice in utter disbelief with my mouth wide open and a torrent of expletives starting to form in my mind. And since this was the only class i had today i effectively wasted my time and train ticket coming to school. And to think that i felt like skipping class today too.....This makes it two for two now and i pray that there won't be a number three.
Shit happens, well maybe not this often.....
Well, after my forced stay in this rather backwater country (now you know why they call it "down under") where the train system is as reliable as a car with a leaking fuel tank or an alcoholic without his alcohol you'd think that i would have been accustomed to this sort of delays by now. Well wrong. So there i was at the train station feeling all pleased with myself after making the effort to wake up early with the intention of going to class with time to spare until i saw the information board, and the thought "Oh Shat" formed in my mind. It seems that some luckless individual got into an accident involving a train a few stations up (we can all imagine what happened.....) which caused the whole Lilydale and Belgrave line to be disrupted while the railway staff cleared the mess. So to cut an extremely tedious and infuriatingly long story short we had to take a connecting bus to Ringwood and from there take the train to Lilydale, where the damn uni is located. Simple enough? Not quite. The connecting bus took the better part of 2 hours to arrive and by the time i got on the train and made my way to the uni proper there was only 1/2 an hour left to what was supposed to be a 2 hour law lecture. It had taken me a shitty 2 and a 1/2 hours to get somewhere which would normally only take 1/2 an hour! Only in this crap hole does dumb shit like this happened on such a regular basis. Melbourne has quite possibly the worst public transport system out of any of the so-called self proclaimed "first world" nations. Heck this kind of infrastructure doesn't even belong in Africa. And this isn't the first time this has happened, in fact it's the 5th time it's happened since i got back! Truly appalling. In fact i have come up with a theory, trains in Melbourne either arrive late or they do not arrive at all.
(Note: John and Xander have gotten a replacement housemate (with indecent haste if i might add) after i expressed reservations at their dream rental. My suggestion that they wait 1 more week to view 2 more apartments which i have scouted out went unheard so it seems that i won't be moving into the city after all. I won't comment on anything as it's been a rather shit day already and if i linger on this too much my blood pressure would, like an old friend of mine used to say, sky rocket. It's at times like these when you realise how alone you are in a foreign country and that the only people you can trust are your brothers back home with whom you've been to hell and back with, no offense to my Australian acquaintances of course but I'm sure this feeling is mutual.)
(Note: John and Xander have gotten a replacement housemate (with indecent haste if i might add) after i expressed reservations at their dream rental. My suggestion that they wait 1 more week to view 2 more apartments which i have scouted out went unheard so it seems that i won't be moving into the city after all. I won't comment on anything as it's been a rather shit day already and if i linger on this too much my blood pressure would, like an old friend of mine used to say, sky rocket. It's at times like these when you realise how alone you are in a foreign country and that the only people you can trust are your brothers back home with whom you've been to hell and back with, no offense to my Australian acquaintances of course but I'm sure this feeling is mutual.)
Friday, March 7, 2008
Walking Away
I'm not sure if it's certain yet but it seems that talks with John and Xander regarding my moving in with them to a new apartment have fallen through due to a difference in preferences which means that my ticket to a residence in the city has effectively dissolved. The both of them promptly fell in love with an apartment/maisonette which we went to view the day before at Wellington Crescent, around the Docklands region. It was a rather decent place with more than ample space but it was lacking furnishings and most importantly a washing machine and dryer. I on the other hand had my reservations about it. For one it was not what i had in mind of an apartment in the city, i expected a place which is within walking distance of either Flinders St, Melbourne Central or Flagstaff Station. This place was not close to any of them and the closest you could get was by tram to Flinders St. It is within a 10-15 minutes walk to Jollimont Station but that place is as good as redundant. And since the Swinburne campus i go to is in Lilydale it would be an extreme pain in the arse to travel there from that place. Secondly was the cost, which is estimated at around $1150 a month per person. Where the hell am i going to get that kind of money? My fethin' arse? And this doesn't even include the utilities, food, transport and miscellaneous costs yet. Heck i won't even be able to afford instant noodles, I'd have to eat sand! I don't know why but people always seem to have this misconception that I'm rich and loaded, heck the only thing I'm rich and loaded in is frustrations. True most of the places which i have scouted out have amounted to nothing but there are still two potentials which I'm betting on. Anyway i have a sneaking suspicion that the both of them do not want to stay in the city anymore because for some reason they seem to be looking at all these obscure places. Well i for one will not compromise and if i don't manage to persuade them to give these last two places a look i guess I'll be staying put in Box Hill till i find a studio apartment in the city. Anyhow you get used to staying alone after a while, i know i have.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
The State of Mind of Uncertainty.
For those who are in no mood for some well-worn bitching about the trials and tribulations of a life flip-turned-upside down i suggest you skip this post and head over to more optimistic pastures. This reflection has been a long time coming, so here it goes. The year is 2008, I am already halfway through this rather turbulent chapter of my existence. It seems like there's not a long way more to go before it ends, but it might just be enough for me to pack up and leave. I wake up every morning of my dreary existence, cursing and swearing in a multitude of different languages and dialects at a world which irritates me so. I do not look forward to the day, in fact I await the night where one might find solace in his sleep. But even this little luxury is beyond me for my sleep is constantly plagued with dreams, the like of which I do not welcome for their content can be rather disturbing at times, of a grim path ahead. I have tried very hard to adapt and could in all honesty say that once upon a time i did. But as all my efforts are for not, I have decided to become oblivious to it all, just trying my best to get by with my mission. Nothing was ever easy, except giving up, but it seems even that is hard for me to do. Led on by my foolish pride I continue on this miserable path in the hope that somewhere ahead there will indeed be light at the end of this tunnel. This path was not mine to choose, but a decision made by others, and day by day I curse this decision reasoning that the things which I left behind were more important than anything which ever happened here and that I could never go back to them. At first the alcohol served as a barrier but as time went by even that was ineffective. I have never tasted failure of such a magnitude since I arrived here and I'm afraid it has stayed in my mind ever since, like some haunting memory and I have never fully recovered from the setback. I don't remember being ever so weak, maybe it's the alcohol, maybe it's the fatigue which never seems to go away but where once stood an iron will and determination is now just an exhausted mind. Every year we grow more distant, every year there is one less person in the picture, last year it was Morgan, this year it's James, maybe it's time I made my leave too. Maybe it's time for my curtain call. And for what it's worth I doubt my presence would be missed.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Friday, February 8, 2008
Snake eat Rat.....
Happy Chinese New Year people, and for those who don't know tis the year of the rat. May our lives always be filled with an abundence of alcohol, cash, and yes Gomez, girls too(albeit nice girls only). But most importantly may there be an abundence of happiness!! And please for those who are of age go get married soon!! I want my ang pao!! WOOOOO!!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Under the sky
I'm back after a brief hiatus, but it will be a quick and short post. I've actually planned a four-part biography-esque reflection for the past 2006 and 2007 but due to my work commitments have been unable to complete it. To tell you the truth it's taking longer than i thought to complete and even longer to edit so it most likely won't be done for some time. So i've been working as a temporary admin officer at the custodians department in a Swiss investment bank called Bank Sarasin-Rabo for the past two weeks, with another two weeks more before my contract is up, well that is unless they decide to re-hire me. And although it's not much better than my previous job at an audit firm i've manage to steel myself and focus wholly on my job which of course does wonders for my performance and concentration, alas no more sleeping on the job for me. In fact they're asking me to ease-off a bit.....
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Goodbye, Hello
OK let me make this quick. I just got back from Countdown 2008 @ Ministry of Sound and boy was it smashing, cheers to a great year ahead. Goodbye 2007, it was a brilliant year filled with more Upps and Downs than usual, but all that it made it much more interesting. There will be no deep reflections now, no profound thoughts, just simple memories for now, leave everything for another time. Hello 2008, may the year ahead be better than the previous one, may more hopes and dreams be fulfilled, may more resolutions be kept, and may everyone find what they are looking for. A toast to the New Year, CHEERS!
"I'm just a simple guy, trying to get high."
"I'm just a simple guy, trying to get high."
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